Thursday, February 9, 2012

"The brand has really no importance at all" says young, friendly and frankly good looking Sébastien Jaulmes, audiologist at Audissimo

Perhaps if the patient has allergies and we know that such-and-such a brand uses a certain material we can chose that brand. But otherwise they’re really all the same! If a patient comes in and asks for a certain brand because his cousin wears that one well fine! I have no reason to recommend otherwise because they’re all good!
I usually work with 2-3 brands. There aren’t that many but I stick to the ones I know. Every audiologist has his favorite brands and it’s quicker once you know the software. There’s certainly and influence from the affinity you have with the person who picks up the phone but in general the makers are rather available and helpful over the phone.

How do you keep up with technology?

We have sales rep coming in twice a year. Big innovations only occur every 4-5 years, not more. It’s not like computers! We also have a fair in March. There’s a lot of marketing so it’s not that interesting !!! Oh well, I suppose it’s good to keep up with the latest products available on the market.

 We don’t have deals with the brands so we don’t get any financial pressure related to the amount we buy. But certainly bigger companies get that.

How come you chose to become an audiologist?

I became an audiologist because my Dad was an ENT! In third grade I had to do an internship and my Dad found a place for me with an audiologist. I really liked it and then did another intership over the summer. I really enjoyed the human aspect of the job and creating a relationship with patients. Audiologists always have a personal story related to this field! My intern wears hearing aids himself for example!

It's a small world!

It’s a small world and we all know each other more or less. It can be good or bad because if someone as a bad reputation it can become a bit awkward!

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